Monday, October 18, 2010

Time Flies When You're Not Sleeping

I bet a few of you are wondering if I just gave up and quit on this project huh? No... fortunately not. I'm just still in a mode of working so hard that I haven't stopped to smell the wet paint. Let's see... where do we stand:

- Staircase woodwork done, painting and polyurethane around stairs starts today
- Bathroom vanity and counter top in, fixtures sitting there waiting for install (bathroom floor tile was done a while ago, can't remember if I threw that in)
- Laundry room upstairs first coat of paint done
- New master bedroom closets have doors, the insides are painted, and the shelves and such were completed in those last night

Expected this week: Stairway completely done, final plumbing complete, laundry room paint complete, laundry tile floor started, master bedroom paint started. Yah, that sounds like a lot to me too. I might bag a day out of work to try and actually pull it off... we'll see.

I'll snap a few shots of the bathroom and master bedroom work as soon as I can. Better yet I'll make Elana do it :)


JSmith5780 said...

Yeah, make Lana do it!! :) At the least she can just email them to me

JSmith5780 said...

What are you going to do? Make me drive out there to see the addition?? :)

trackrich said...

Jen... that's not a bad idea. We'd love to see you :)

JSmith5780 said...

We seriously need a get together!!